
And Again! Donald Trump Retweets Two More White Supremacists in One Day

Alephnaught1/24/2016 3:54:19 pm PST

Okay, Here’s my Sunday photo: it’s got a bit of a story behind it, which I’ll tell below the photo.

Here’s the story, which happened today:

So. I’m walking along the Trongate towards central Glasgow, and i’m hearing an untrained voice belting out a famiiar tune from my childhood: Queen’s “Don’t Stop Me Now”, from the vague direction of the pedestrianised area of Argyle Street in front of Marks and Spencers.

So. I go there, and it’s this bare-chested chap in jeans, and a fair-sized fan club at the M&S side of the street. As soon he’s finished this tune, they say: how about “Bohemian Rhapsody”? He goes back to his phone (Which is his music source, plugged into a decent guitar amp.) and dials it up, and goes right ahead and does it, calling on his newly born teenage fanclub to join in.

They most certainly do: lighters out on the ballad section, providing the high voice backing vocals for the opera bit. Meanwhile, he’s doing an awesome approximation of Freddie Mecury’s air guitar of Brian May’s original solo.

He’s a pro. He may not be a great singer, but he’s been a fantasic performer.

It’s a remarkably mild day in Glasgow, about 13-14 degrees Celcius. It’s only later than I find out that he did a similar performance a week earlier: similarly bare chested when Glasgow was all a freeze, and his performance then was a viral video.