
Eric Trump Says David Duke 'Deserves a Bullet,' but Eric Appeared on a White Nationalist Radio Show in October

Donkey With No Name11/04/2016 2:01:39 am PDT

Even worse, from the Frum piece:

My party will recover to counter her agenda in Congress, moderate her nominations to the courts, and defeat her bid for re-election in 2020.

No, senior members of your party have already said that they won’t consider her nominations to the courts at all. Why does Frum insist on running this fantasy version of the Republican Party in his head, from which Trump is a weird momentary aberration? It’s too painful for him to admit that in his pursuit of “the tax cut I’d get from united Republican government,” that he has made common cause with the worst tendencies of American society? That the Congressional GOP has given up any pretense of responsible governing or interest in maintaining the Constitutional order?