
John Oliver Calls Out the Key Factors of the Mueller Report: Incompetence and Disobedience

Blind Frog Belly White4/22/2019 1:29:02 pm PDT

Ya know, the lame-ass excuses and gunfuckers come up with continue to amaze me.

On FB, there was a post this morning about how we’re inflicting Active Shooter Drills on kids, which is pretty fucking traumatic. So, of course, the usual arguments show up - “It’s not the guns, it must be something cultural!”

So I say, ‘Maybe not the guns, but how many of them there are and how easily one can acquire a gun that can kill a lot of people really fast.’

So one guy says ‘the biggest mass shooting in America was done with a bolt action rifle and marksmanship!’, which isn’t true and hasn’t been since 1984. But let’s think about that - the Texas Tower killer needed practice and a perfect snipers perch to kill 17 people. Adam Lanza walked into a school and started pulling the trigger. So, nowadays you can kill A LOT MORE people with almost no training except swapping out magazines.

Some other guy quotes the ‘gun that can kill a lot of people really fast’ part and says, “You mean like a 50 year old 12 gauge pump shotgun with 00 buckshot?” Okay, mostly they hold maybe 5 shells, then you have to manually shove shells in one at a time. How long does that take? Plus, to the best of my knowledge no gun company is making and selling 50 year old shotguns.

These ‘arguments’ are so stupid, they reek of confirmation bias and desperation. These clowns are SO DESPERATE to keep the easy availability of all guns that they’ll accept any level of carnage as long as they can rationalize that it’s got nothing to do with guns.