
The Bob Cesca Podcast: The Chosen One

Dangerman8/23/2019 2:14:02 pm PDT

NY Magazine

“With a China less willing to back down and a trade war maybe too far along to stop, the president is backed into a corner. He may feel he can’t save the economy by folding. And so he may follow his instinct — one of the few consistent policy views he has expressed for decades — that protectionism is good for the economy, and that despite what the markets and his advisers are telling him, trade wars are good and easy to win and more tariffs and more disruption will only mean more winning for the U.S.

“What the president showed us today is he’s prepared to hit the gas as he approaches the cliff. That should make us all worried about the economic outlook — and it should make Republicans very worried about the political outlook.”

this is how every gambler thinks

‘im due’. ‘one more big score’, whatever.

odd that when he owned a casino he couldnt capitalize on this

and ps - he wont do this (more tariffs) based on “instinct”
he’ll do it because it’s the only play he knows