
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Repeats Coronavirus Failures in Reckless Rush to "Reopen" Economy

JC14/16/2020 12:34:13 pm PDT

re: #103 Belafon

The first part is correct, but not the second part. We know it hits kids.

Not defending Oz at all; I think that he’s a charlatan out to fleace the rubes of money, but covid19 has a negligible mortality rate for those under 40 provided that adequate care exists. South Korea hasn’t had a single death in under 30 year olds despite over 3500 confirmed cases. They’ve only had 1 death in the 30-39 age range despite around 1100 cases. They’ve only had 3 death of those aged 40-49 despite around 1400 cases. The mortality rate gets serious for those over 50.