
CNN's Staged Video Update: Let's See the Uncut Footage

FredWM1/10/2009 7:41:36 pm PST

Let me make a prediction: We’ll never see the rushes. What’s in it for CNN? With no rushes they have a hope that this will all blow over as a “he said, she said” thing in a few days. With the rushes they have a chance of looking foolish. Where’s the upside for CNN? The best they can hope for is that they are right, and that’s what they are saying now. Of course, a journalist would want to know anyway. First, it’s the truth and second it would make a great story on its own. But CNN is not staffed by journalist. It’s staffed by celebrities and people who want to make the world better for the sake of the children. And those sorts of people are much more interested in the greater truth. They are the people who believe in “fake but accurate” stories. In “larger truth” stories. So, once again I say no rushes.