
WaPo: Kid Porn on Von Brunn's Computer

Dr. Shalit6/19/2009 8:35:08 pm PDT

re: #99 jcm

Wise man Adam Smith, well studied.


כל מי שנעשה רחמן במקום אכזרי
סוף שנעשה אכזרי במקום רחמן

Kol mi shena`asa rahaman bimqom akhzari
Sof shena`asa akhzari bimqom rahaman

All who are made to be compassionate in the place of the cruel
In the end are made to be cruel in the place of the compassionate

Qohelet Raba, 7:16

jcm -

WHOA! - Most of the “World” MIGHT have a problem with this one - Turn, Turn, Turn - S