
Cordoba House Developers: 'Hamas Does Not and Will Not Speak For Us'

Stonemason8/16/2010 5:15:04 pm PDT

re: #95 windsagio

He’s more a coward, really.

and a bigot.
If you can justify what he said in your mind and can not justify what the woman who watched her mothers plane crash into the towers feels, then you have a serious cognitive dissonance problem.
I was ripped, torn, attacked, and shouted down for trying to give that woman the benefit of the doubt, I was clearly beaten by all the variations of “what valid points” questions, some rather offensive to me.

Everyone, regardless of political party or position, who opposes the Park 51 center is a bigot or the tool of bigots.

Maybe Reid is a tool, but calling him a coward is giving him a pass on what has been the running theme.