
Overnight Open Thread

NJDhockeyfan2/16/2009 8:29:37 am PST

re: #1074 quickredfox

And note the wording in the lead paragraph in the NY Times article: “President Hugo Chvez handily won a referendum on Sunday that will end presidential term limits, allowing him to run for re-election indefinitely and injecting fresh vibrancy into his socialist-inspired revolution.”

“Fresh vibrancy.” It’s Springtime for Hugo …

Looks like Hugo got the gold seal of approval from the Koskiddies

Today is a good day for the new version of socialism, the 21th century socialism who is already the ideology if Bolivia and Ecuador, two countries where the abandoned poor, the workers who earned slavery wages and had no benefits, and the small and tiny middle class who had no hope, are finally VISIBLE FOR THEIR PRESIDENTS AGAIN.

Hugo Chavez won his well contested referendum for progress in Venezuela.

This victory was a hard fought one against the elitists classes of Venezuelan society who had governed that country for decades. Those rich inviduals have controlled the government with the help of the United States, destroying the countries middle class, leaving poor people abandoned, selling their natural resources to oil companies and rich US corporations who took 95% of their profits abroad and didnt pay taxes in those countries.

That has been the history of Latin America in the last decades, with dictators put by the US who help keep the conservative bourgeousi on power at the expense of society in general.

Nonetheless, with the elections of Chaves, Morales and Correa, we are finally recovering from the abuses commited in the past and giving people a government where they count.