
Overnight Open Thread

redstateredneck8/14/2009 8:47:01 am PDT

re: #1097 Spider Mensch

ok..something thats been in my craw recently…I’m sure some of the oldtimers here remember babbazee?…ok…does a certain current lizard, who i shan’t mention by name, remind anyone else of babbazee posting style??? but is actually like an theologically point of view opposite of babbazee?? It’s something I’ve noticed, but haven’t mentioned…does any other older lizard share this hypothesis???

and I won’t mention the current lizards name, but you’ll know it if you get my thought on this.

or am I way off base here??? I probably am..but it’s a thought that keeps recurring to me, whenever I read this one persons posts…darndest thing…lol

I think you’re off base. Babba stays busy on her own blog.