
CNN: US Believes Israel Has Conducted an Airstrike Into Syria

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines5/03/2013 11:14:15 pm PDT

Had a bad encounter with a fundy Islamophobe tonight. An unbelievably smug and confident “lady” informed me that Muslims will start trying to pass “Shahara” law anytime they reach 5% of the population in a particular country. She said they already have it in England and that is almost illegal to be a Christian there. She was sure of all this because she learned it in a Bible study at her church. She is also sure we have a Muslim president, since this Shahara stuff is already happening here.
Lubbock is full of hole-in-the-wall “Bible” churches that teach this craziness. There are a couple of megachurches that are no better, perhaps worse. A number of public officials and GOP luminaries have expressed similar views.

We also have a sizable Muslim population here, primarily associated with Texas Tech and the big medical centers.
I am afraid that something really ugly is about to happen.