
Video: Stephen Colbert Tries to Find Out What the GOP Wants

EPR-radar10/04/2013 5:47:27 pm PDT

re: #105 Targetpractice

I’m not sure I can say all are actually evil. They just cowardly fucks who are afraid to take action without the cover of Boehner. If he puts forward a “clean” CR, they’re more likely to vote for it because all the Tea Party ire will be on him for letting it reach the floor. With a discharge petition, any Republican who puts his name on the paper is going to get targeted by the TPers as “supporting Obamacare,” even if all they want is to end this standoff and the damage its doing to their party.

My patience for GOP games is gone. If the so-called moderates of the GOP will continue to act like ‘good Germans’ in the face of tea bagger extremism, I will name their craven dereliction of duty as the evil it is.