
Cliven Bundy Releases Unbelievably Surreal Ad With a "Black Friend"

lawhawk10/18/2014 6:20:36 am PDT

So, more leaks/information from the Darren Wilson files. Investigators apparently found Brown’s blood inside the police car, and that Wilson shot and hit Brown in the arm while in the car.

Wilson told investigators he was trying to leave his car when Brown shoved him back in, The Times reported Friday night.
Once in, Brown pinned him in his car and tried to get his gun, which made him fear for his safety, the newspaper reported, citing unnamed government officials familiar with the federal civil rights case.

The officer told authorities that Brown hit him and scratched him repeatedly, leaving bruises on his face and neck, according to The Times.

FBI forensic tests showed the gun was fired twice in the car, with one bullet hitting Brown’s arm while the second one missed, the newspaper said.

His account did not include an explanation on why he shot at Brown even after they got out of the car, according to The Times. A preliminary autopsy showed the teen was shot at least six times, including twice in the head.
Separate federal and local investigations are still ongoing, but the government officials said the evidence so far does not indicate that the officer violated any civil rights, The Times reported.

Of course, all this is rather self-serving considering that he has to claim he feared for his life in order to show that the shooting was justified. That’s even though there was little reason for him to have stopped Brown in the first place - walking in the street isn’t enough, unless the PD considers harassing blacks to be its top priority (and all the statistics about the FPD shows that it was).

It still doesn’t explain why Wilson went for his gun in the first place - and the order of events still doesn’t quite make sense. Why would Brown reach into the car in the first place.

But these reports all make the indictment of Wilson more unlikely.