
Michael Savage Attacks Veterans With PTSD: "Stop Crying Like a Baby"

Mattand10/21/2014 11:46:23 am PDT

re: #89 KiTA

How in the hell is Mallard Fillmore still a thing? Supposedly it’s a political cartoon, I guess, but it’s formatted in such a way to be snuck onto the actual funnypapers. The few I get forwarded to me are just racist / homophobic / transphobic non sequiturs that make absolutely no sense.

This week (or last two weeks it looks like) he’s been going off on Transwomen, poking “fun” (spewing hatred) at how some Women’s Colleges are accepting Transwomen in. Apparently the phrase “identify as” is just *hilarious* to this guy.

So… really, how is it a thing? Does he have some sort of contract that prevents them from throwing him out of the papers like the 700 Club, or are there people out there who actually find this gibberish funny? OR is this a Fox News, false balance sort of deal?

You pretty much answered your own question. It’s basically the Fox News of comic strips (Mallard is just telling the truth that Ziggy doesn’t want you to hear), and a convenient MBF for newspapers when they start catching shit over Teh Librul Doonesbury.