
And Now, a Tender Moment of Self-Beclownment Brought to You by TruthRevolt

goddamnedfrank1/03/2015 5:12:07 pm PST

re: #108 klystron

And also, for the record, while I absolutely would not vote for him, I don’t hate him.

I’m just not willing to give power to anyone willing to stand on the side of hate.

Forgetting about the ethical / moral aspect for a moment, Jeb’s logic there was absolutely despicable. Those children are up for adoption because the ideal fucking family makeup either failed them or was never available. Preventing gay people from adopting them does nothing to ensure they’re taken in and raised by both a man and a woman. I just means there are fewer homes they can go to, in a world where there already aren’t enough homes for all the kids eligible for adoption.

He wasn’t about preventing straight couples from going overseas to adopt, or keeping single, adamantly straight people from adopting. He just wanted to single out gays and defame them as unfit to raise kids, and he was willing to punish countless children to do it.

Anybody who would even consider Jeb at this point has something seriously wrong with their soul.