
National Review Writer Upset Because Donald Trump Isn't Saying the Magic Words

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus9/10/2015 9:08:25 pm PDT

Typical self-delusion among the racialist right:

minniver cheevey • an hour ago
I have beaten the crap out of Stormfronters on the internet for almost 15 years.

I have torn new assholes in anti-semites peddling USS Liberty garbage and Rothschild central bank weirdo conspiracies.

I have actually chased human debris like that from entire forums.

I mostly despise Trump and fervently pray he never becomes president.

I have thrashed his ridiculous perfervid followers everywhere.

I am extremely disappointed with Ann Coulter, whom i have greatly admired., for her uncritical devotion to Trump.

Having said the above, i have a serious question for NR:

WHY is it an unspeakable crime to express pride in one’s European heritage in America today, even in supposedly anti-pc National Review?

The peoples whose original homeland extended extended from the Urals to Lisbon, from Trondheim to Malta, have been, over the past 1000 years, the most creative, energetic, brilliant, accomplished, valorous people on the planet, even if we are in steep cultural and spiritual decline now.

WHY is it wrong to express great pride in that, to want to preserve and celebrate it, to want to transmit it intact to our children and our descendants beyond them? Why is it ‘extreme’ and immoral to want to protect it from being swamped and overwhelmed by those with far different values? And i don’t mean Chinese, Japanese, or South Asians here, because they are the inheritors of great ancient civilizations too, but i mean the turbulent, chaotic mass of illiterate peoples from south of the border and the muslim world.

Where do YOU live, o writers and editors of the NRO? In America’s new and growing barrios?

I’m thinking NOT.

And that can be said for the writers and editors of the NYT, the WaPo, Harper’s, The New Republic and Salon.

You form communities with people who share your background, education and values. You live in The Hamptons, the Upper West Side, Newport Rhode Island, Martha’s Vineyard.

So WHY do you begrudge us lesser beings from doing the same?

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He’s “beaten the crap out of Stormfront” - yeah, right.