
Friday Night Jam: Ajoyo, "Benskin"

Dr Lizardo12/05/2015 3:35:15 am PST

We have another little scandal brewing here in the Czech Republic. Heh.

Czech MEP Miloslav Ransdorf (Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia, KSČM), 62, who was detained in Switzerland on Thursday over an alleged attempt at financial fraud, was released by the Swiss police today, Czech Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Michaela Lagronova told CTK.

The Slovak Interior Ministry´s spokesman Ivan Netik told the Reuters agency that Ransdorf and three Slovak nationals, who were arrested together with him, attempted to draw 350 million euros from a bank in Zurich using false identity documents.

The Slovak server wrote that three Slovaks attempted to draw the above sum from a bank in which an account in Ransdorf´s name is kept on Thursday. The server wrote that the Slovaks were stooges. wrote that three Slovaks together with Ransdorf entered the Swiss bank, which, however, refused to carry out the huge transaction because the birth date on a document submitted was not correct. The men allegedly started to be aggressive and the police had to intervene. An investigation into the origin of the money started, the server wrote.