
And Now, Something Amazing: Wintergatan - Marble Machine

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)3/06/2016 6:34:55 am PST

Itā€™s a big problem for Bernie that he is struggling big time with minority voters. It really. Almost to a tee though and without the vote, Iā€™m part of Bernieā€™s coalition. Iā€™m 28, male, white, and self identify as liberal. Unfortunately weā€™re not a reliable bloc. The reason why you cannot compare Bernie-16 to Obama-08 is that Obama was building a much broader coalition. Now the diehards can bitch all they want but African Americans, Hispanics, and others arenā€™t buying Bernieā€™s message and prefer Clintonā€™s and Iā€™m sick of the patronizing and in some cases even racist bullshit from them.