
Seth Meyers Attic Sessions: Trump Ignored Coronavirus Warnings; Pence Refused to Wear a Mask

Sherlock Hound4/30/2020 6:03:10 am PDT

Arthur Chu on reopening:

The Republicans and their corporate partners are banking on the trope that “the economy doesn’t need some people”; we can shelter the “elderly and disabled’ so that the “rest of us” can go back to work. This trope devolves down to “The Economy Doesn’t Need YOU!”

Arthur makes the point that a resurgent epidemic will shut down the economy anyway.
I make the point that if we all get the virus, not only will many of us die, but by the figures I’ve seen, 20% of COVID-19 cases are severe, even if a ventilator is not required.

That 20% have to be cared for by SOMEONE, Mom, Dad, brother, sister, son or daughter. They aren’t going to be participating in The Economy. As well, a good number of those 20% will either not be able to work any longer, or their employers will inform them to get well but, by the way, their services are no longer required. I believe a lot of them will end up applying for SSI. I looked after my disabled Mom for the last three years of her life, and I’ll NEVER forget that. This DOES things to people, just as in 1918. 20% of Americans are about 70 million, and 1.5% dead, about 3.5 million.

What will THAT do to The Economy? The elites, like Elon Musk, are already saying in so many words that their future doesn’t need us. I can’t be the only one who’s enraged. Others will be enraged, and they have baseball bats, IED’s, and the Second Amendment.

Now, how’s that recovery?