
Some Christians Angry at Obama's 'Nonbelievers' Statement

nyc redneck1/25/2009 9:19:09 am PST

re: #50 Erik The Red

No one can be the all and everything for everyone. He is either very arrogant or very naive and stupid. Pick your base and your true beliefs and do the job.

He will not do a second term!

he may not make it thru the first.
he might implode. he is so thin skinned.
he bristles and flounders and squirms like such an unbalanced person.
look how childish he is, lashing out at ie rush.
rather than focusing on the big issues.
he can not take criticism or tolerate opposing views.
he is too used to being revered and praised. he has seldom encountered obstacles.
now is unable to adapt. he may be too defensive to learn.