
North Korea Threatens War with South

Macker5/26/2009 10:16:49 pm PDT

re: #94 Desert Dog

I know the Japanese are not going to accept many more missiles flying over their country. The fact that the Norks have “the bomb” and a system to deliver it, things have changed. I am hoping the North Koreans collapse under the weight of their own system. The Chinese need to step in and do something. They are the big player here…..the US, S. Korea and Japan have no power to alter things in the North except blow the living crap out of them.

I don’t think the Chinese even figured The Asshole™ would go this far. Kim could even lob some over at his masters.
Which leave us. I HATE WAR! ANY SANE PERSON SHOULD HATE WAR! But Dammit, sometimes they MUST be fought and the enemy which brings us to this must be EXTERMINATED!