
Overnight Wave

SixDegrees11/28/2009 6:01:49 am PST

re: #109 laZardo

Well, that makes those countries’ insistence more scary. Either way, and safety regulations and technologies be damned, nuclear power is still living in the shadow of Chernobyl.

There’s lots of gross overstatement regarding radiation out there that needs to be countered with fact. See my previous post; all forms of energy production are inherently harmful, and some - like coal burning - actually release more radiation than a nuclear plant would.

Nuclear plants have an excellent safety record in terms of accidents per hours of operation. And that’s with aging plants that were designed several decades ago at the most recent. Engineering has come a long way since the last nuclear plants in this country were designed, and much has been learned about them in the interim, both here and in other countries, based on hands-on operation. It ought to be possible to design and build plants that are inherently safe to a much larger degree than in the past, although there is no way to reduce risk to zero.