
Barton Apologizes for Apologizing to BP for Obama's 'Shakedown'

Scottish Dragon6/17/2010 2:11:01 pm PDT

re: #94 Aceofwhat?

Marjorie, dear…puh-leeze…

I have to go with her on that. The GOP has been blaming teachers and the scary teacher’s unions for decades while studiously chopping funds for classroom improvements and property taxes that support schools.

People want to point fingers at the teachers for their little darling failing the GOP mandated high stakes testing(wouldn’t it be nice if mom and dad got little darling to do homework and stay awake in class)…so teachers teach to the test and history, science, geography and music go right down the drain.

Never mind that the schools are falling apart, the textbooks are falling apart and the classrooms are often over-crowded because of the hiring freeze…