
A Note to the Fanatics Who Sent Me Photos of Dead Babies This Morning

jamesfirecat8/06/2010 10:12:50 am PDT

re: #89 commadore183

It’s a knee-jerk reaction to the shooting that took place in CT. Everyone would be on edge and, probably, someone felt threatened by the man’s comments and thought it would be better to call it in than risk having another massacre. Probably not the best reaction, but it’s understandable.

True story. When I was in elementary school, I was, to put it frankly, a f—-ing asshole. One day I popped off about shooting some people and I got hauled into court for it after several kids reported it to their parents, who then reported it to the school, who then pressed charges against me for the threats. This happened not long after Columbine, so obviously they were taking any threats seriously. Long story short, I entered a guilty plea (I can’t remember the exact charge) in juvenile court and got probation, thankfully. Since I was a minor at that time, my criminal record has been expunged now that I’m an adult, but I still remember how close I was to fucking up my whole life. Not that anyone would know I was a nasty child, as I am a pretty friendly person.

Around the same time period I think I got called into the Vice Principles office and my parents got called because I’d been writing poetry for a class about videogames like Silent Scope and Time Crisis.

Not anywhere near the same league as your story, but… well yeah that was an eye opener to say the least….