
Glenn Beck's Miraculous Goose Fly-Over

Gus8/30/2010 6:32:42 pm PDT

re: #106 lostlakehiker

Aw, give him a break. Beck didn’t go and use the occasion for a political hatchet job. And if he had seen a genuine rarity such as a rainbow with a vertical branch connecting the innermost ring to the next one, (only three authenticated photos of the phenomenon are known to exist) that wouldn’t count as a miracle either.

People take inspiration from the simplest and most prosaic of things, and this probably for the best. I’m no fan of Beck, and I don’t find a flight of geese to be all that extraordinary, but if seeing them overhead sparked a thread of thought that took him down a better road for that Lincoln Memorial shindig, I gotta thank the geese.

That rally could have taken a truly ugly tone and I’m glad he didn’t go that route. Even our enemies deserve the faint praise they deserve when they occasionally fail to live down to expectations.

Talk to me, Goose.