
Tuesday Night Open

WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]11/09/2010 10:15:28 pm PST

re: #109 Slumbering Behemoth

Avellone was the guy behind Torment! I have a lot of confidence in him! And I loved Fallout 2, but when Fallout 2 was originally released it was brooooken, there were so many bugs that my giant-brained friends with infinite patience for RPGs gave up on it until it was massively patched.

Also, Boyarsky was heavily involved in Bloodlines (Oh wiki I love you so) which had all kinds of problems. Still a great game! But a great game with many flaws. Many of them because (I think) they were wrestling with the new age of complex 3d FPS interfaces for RPGs, using Source for the project, and that takes resources away from pure design.

I haven’t played New Vegas yet, but I did play F3 through twice, and I considered it the best RPG experience I’ve had since Torment came out. If not the best. The other is Uplink, which barely qualifies, it’s a one-man indie game. I think the world of gaming has changed too much for a game that resembles the original Fallouts to really work for a mainstream market, too much money at stake, games have gotten to be too large, need far too much middleware with a big learning curve for the developers, and need to appeal to too many people for a game that really demands you roll your own RP experience in the way the original Fallout demanded. Games like that still exist in some respect, but they’re all little indies like Spiderweb trying to make their own way.