Comment Caught Again: Deceptively Editing a Video

Gus3/08/2012 7:05:48 pm PST

Sen. Jim Inhofe featured in viral video about indicted African guerrilla leader Joseph Kony

WASHINGTON — Sen. Jim Inhofe, who met a young filmmaker in Uganda in 2005 while investigating the brutality of a militant leader named Joseph Kony, said Thursday he hopes a new video by that same director leads to Kony’s capture or killing.

Inhofe, R-Tulsa, is featured prominently in the video “Kony 2012,” which has gone viral on the Internet as viewers share and promote it on social networking sites. By Thursday afternoon, more than 39 million people had viewed it on YouTube, just three days after it was posted.

Inhofe said it is an extension of the movement by young people that helped him get legislation approved two years ago to provide U.S. military advisers to central Africa to train regional armies to track down Kony…