
Video: The Amazing Morphing Campaign Money Map

jamesfirecat11/04/2012 4:36:33 pm PST

re: #98 ProGunLiberal

My prediction for the election, based off of Nate Silver.


After this election, with the evil seen from the Republicans, the Democrats need to use the Demographics to their advantage to deprive Republicans all levers of power at the Federal Level (Presidency, Senate, and House) and subsequently use that to impeach both Scalia and Thomas for their corruption. Then use that power to push for heavy reforms economically. If we need to, see if any Hardline Democratic states have internal disputes with fissioning the state into 2 Democratic states, giving us 2 more senators for each instance of this.

The Demographic Shift should be able to have the US look like this by 2028. I am counting on Atlanta being able to, with 16 years, flip Georgia, and for increased immigration from the Arab and South Asian Countries to continue, going to areas with already high concentrations, shifting those states too. That could shift Tennessee (Nashville has highest concentration of Kurds in the US) and Indiana (Heavy Arab Population in Great Lakes region in general. Hispanics count for the rest.

“If we need to, see if any Hardline Democratic states have internal disputes with fissioning the state into 2 Democratic states, giving us 2 more senators for each instance of this.”

The F**k is this? Seriously… I can’t come up with any more coherent reply than that….