
LGF Linkage - Now with Ajax-Based Editing

Cato the Elder5/03/2010 10:24:49 pm PDT

re: #1108 Dark_Falcon

May I ask why? I’m not going to downding you, but I would like to understand your reasoning.

Tradewind for these two comments:

re: #1075 tradewind

Wow. I can’t even imagine the pain that admission must have caused Mr Gibbs.


re: #1084 tradewind

Just Mirandize him first.//

NJD for this one:

re: #1032 NJDhockeyfan

I don’t understand the obsession with fox News. I really don’t pay attention to what the various news channels put on. I just watch them and see what they have to say.

and for supporting Tradewind in her trolling.