
Andrew McCarthy: It Is Impossible for Republicans to Win National Elections

Dark_Falcon10/23/2013 1:45:02 pm PDT

re: #108 HoosierHoops

I don’t know any tea party people..But I think the GOP will reform some how.
Besides Florida, Bush called for a big tent of voters and won. ( anybody recall those days?)
I think elections go through cycles..Too write off the GOP is folly. ( I just choked on that statement..But history proves that )

Exactly. Mondale got blown away in 1984, and Dukakis was upended 4 years later. But 4 years after that Bill Clinton won. That of course was in large part due to H. Ross Perot’s take away of many voters who otherwise would have gone for Bush the Elder, an event no one could have predicted in 1989. Thus my point about not trying to prematurely map out elections.