
Republican Party Plans Fewer Debates, Dumber Reporters

Killgore Trout12/17/2013 5:02:00 pm PST

re: #102 Killgore Trout

The last Republican debate season was insanely long. All the serious candidates have said whatever they wanted to within the first half dozen or so debates, the rest is mostly repetition. Also, both parties would be smart to limit the unelectable nutty candidates. Ron Paul, Mike Gravel, Al Sharpton and Michelle Bachman can be good entertainment value but they take up valuable time from the serious candidates.

The fringe candidates also devalue the whole process and makes the debates look silly. I don’t think it helps the credibility of the serious candidates to have to deal with the nonsense but I guess the nuts are there to fill space and make it look like open contest instead of 2 or 3 anointed candidates.