
Phil Robertson Will Return to 'Duck Dynasty' Episodes in January

conservative_ no_ more12/23/2013 12:47:47 am PST

New here, so please forgive me if I don’t follow a protocol I’m not aware of yet. I decided to join this website as I’ve been reading some of the articles and commentary. Long story short, I was pretty conservative and Christian although with some moderate leanings. I started noticing some changes in several family members and a lot of friends who I always considered pretty run of the mill, rational people. I noticed some signs very disturbing so I got off all the right wing blogs I had read for so many years and dedicated myself to being as objective as I possibly could. What I discovered has horrified me, shattered everything I believed, and changed my views a 180, The trigger for me seeing a rise of racism and religious extremism that has become very tolerated and anyone who speaks out against it, shunned. When I came upon the “Christian Identity” websites, I ran to the bathroom and threw up and then cried. First went through anger and disbelief, and still have some anger but mostly disappointment. Thanks to those who read this and who want to allow me to post here and participate.