
Separated at Birth: Pee-wee Greenwald?

Lidane5/11/2014 5:09:03 pm PDT
As law-abiding gun owners, the goal should be to introduce as many people to the firearms community, not to isolate and push people away.

Here’s a clue — many people have already met the firearms community and found it filled with sexist, racist, ignorant assholes.

Not all gun owners are like that, of course. Most are pretty cool. But the ones who are ZOMG SECOND AMENDMENT 4EVAH! MOAR GUNZ! MOLON LABE! are a definite turn off and a definite sign that maybe being part of the “firearms community” isn’t for everyone.

BTW, selling pink guns and sparkly accessories doesn’t make a gun more appealing for a woman. It only reinforces the fact that the “firearms community” thinks of women as stupid children that need pink and glitter to want to hold a gun at all.