
Update: Wikileaks Carries Out Threat to Release Information That Could "Cause Deaths"

Justanotherhuman5/23/2014 4:14:40 am PDT

Looks like Britain’s Tea Party has won a large number of council seats over there, if not the majority on the councils, shutting out Conservatives and Liberal Democrats in this election, although Labour pulled in more votes.

The main gripe of UKIP appears to be immigration, esp recent waves of Eastern Europeans who are said to be the preferred hires.

“With 76 councils declared, Labour has gained 132 seats, UKIP has gained 91 seats, the Lib Dems have lost 116 and the Conservatives have lost 118.


“Some Conservative backbenchers have called for an electoral pact with UKIP going into the general election, with Jacob-Rees-Mogg warning UKIP could split the “small c conservative vote” and let Labour in.

“Conservative Party chairman Grant Shapps rejected a formal deal between the two parties, saying there was “no question of a pact per se.” More