
Bad Lip Reading: Walking and Talking Dead

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)10/01/2014 7:12:45 am PDT

re: #89 Frenchy

I saved you the displeasure.

Basically he says that supporters of Common Core are mostly white men, 20-40, who don’t have kids so what would they know about it?

His evidence for how bad Common Core is is a page out of a textbook that describes a method for subtracting 2 numbers. Now, it’s not how I was taught to subtract, so it did feel a bit strange to me. But this just gives me the sense that a lot of people’s problem with Common Core, particularly with the math, is that “It doesn’t explain things the way I was taught.”

Standard short-sighted crap viewpoint. I don’t have children, but still do have great concerns about issues regarding education since it’s the bedrock on which an advanced society is built. So you learn about the issues and agitate accordingly.