
The Bob Cesca Podcast: Mom I Wanna Vape

lawhawk9/13/2019 6:07:55 am PDT

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area. I guess there was something called a debate last night among Democratic party candidate for POTUS. Didn’t watch it.

Does this make me a bad person for thinking that: 1) this isn’t actually a debate, but a way to spew as many talking points and getting noticed as possible; 2) avoiding gaffes to seem presidential; and 3) doing just enough to get to the next debate?

This debate should have had half as many people participating as it did, and you’d have probably gotten twice as much substantive discussion going.

And the folks up there seem to forget that the biggest issue is Trump and a fascist curious GOP are intent on breaking government in every way imaginable - and that’s who needs to be called out nonstop. Health care debate is great and all, but the GOP is actually currently fighting to eliminate Obamacare and roll back health coverage for 25% of Americans should they win their current lawsuit (it challenges the entirety of Obamacare as valid; if the courts rule it is invalid, all of it is wiped out, including preexisting conditions protections, so if you have any preexisting condition, you’d see your premiums soar and many would lose coverage). As it is, the GOP assault on health care has already seen nearly 1 million lose coverage - the first drop since Obamacare was rolled out - that’s entirely due to the GOP sabotaging of the program.

There’s no way you get to M4A or anything better than the existing plans if the GOP wipes out the existing health care programs and the judicial branch sets the stage for further rollbacks of every govt program. The GOP long con is to roll back govt to the Gilded Age where the rich get richer and everyone else is fucked.