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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷4/23/2021 11:52:03 pm PDT

Nebraska rejects a bill to call an Article V convention of the states.

The bill is stuck in the Government, Military, and Veterans Affairs Committee. The sponsor of the bill was unable to get it voted out of the committee.

Republicans in the Unicameral were calling the national debt the greatest threat to national security, overreach of federal regulations, and no term limits in Washington. Senators Adam Morfeld of Lincoln and Megan Hunt of Omaha led the charge against the bill, noting what happened with the Articles of Confederation.

But opponents, including Sen. Adam Morfeld of Lincoln, raised concerns about whether such a convention could be controlled. Morfeld pointed to the convention called to propose changes to the country’s original Articles of Confederation, saying that group ended up proposing a whole new constitution.

“There are no guardrails and there are no guidelines for this,” he said, noting that the people contacting his office have been overwhelmingly against the proposed convention.

Sen. Megan Hunt of Omaha argued that a convention of states would become a target for special interests seeking to gain advantage. She also questioned how well a convention would work in the current politically polarized environment.

Nebraska will not join others in calling for convention of states to amend US Constitution (Omaha World-Herald)