
Mind-Blowing New Video From UK Band Black Midi: "Slow"

JC15/02/2021 7:21:46 am PDT

re: #100 Belafon

Where did something pop up that he could have gotten us involved in? He may not have gotten us involved, but he quadrupled our use of drones, authorized attacking targets no matter the civilian cost and hid the counts from the public, dropped the MOAB in Afghanistan for no reason, removed our support for the Kurds, and stopped training with South Korea.

He didn’t surge troops anywhere. He didn’t invade a country for a made up BS reason. He certainly could have stepped up the number of troops in Syria and tried to start shit with Iran. GWB’s Iraq adventure cost trillions of dollars, thousands of US and probably 1M+ Iraqi lives, made us less safe, distracted from the real terrorism fight in Afghanistan, etc. It’s hard to imagine a bigger/longer f*ck up. We took an unfriendly secular dictatorship and turned it into a theocracy aligned with regional adversaries.