
Christopher Hitchens Attacked in Beirut

ddd2/18/2009 3:04:29 pm PST

re 39

Despite his many articles supporting the US invasion of Iraq, Hitchens made a brief return to The Nation just before the 2004 US presidential election and wrote that he was “slightly” for George W. Bush; shortly afterwards, Slate polled its staff on their positions on the candidates and mistakenly printed Hitchens’ vote as pro-Kerry. Hitchens shifted his opinion to neutral, saying: “It’s absurd for liberals to talk as if Kristallnacht is impending with Bush, and it’s unwise and indecent for Republicans to equate Kerry with capitulation. There’s no one to whom he can surrender, is there? I think that the nature of the jihadist enemy will decide things in the end”.[40]
Hitchen was very anti-Reagan