
Video: Bart Stupak's Connections to 'The Family'

Randall Gross3/10/2010 3:54:44 pm PST

There was a study released today regarding people who think that President Obama is a sekret muslim. They persist in that belief over time, no matter how much evidence is #109 SixDegrees

I’ll note that Maddow never actually claims that the document shown is the deed to the property. Listen to what she says when it’s introduced. And I’ve looked into Maddow’s reports on this in the past; all of her information in those reports came directly from Sharlet’s The Family.

Sorry, but Sharlet’s presentation sounds more like a description of the Illuminati for my tastes.

So are you making the claim that it’s a forged document?

Prove it.

Look what exposing a fake doc did for Charles. Go for it dude.