
Got Two Big Fish in Iraq

jvic4/20/2010 1:48:02 pm PDT

re: #58 LudwigVanQuixote

There was no proper plan…Bush, Rumsfeld and Cheney arrogantly assumed that the Iraqis would just roll over and welcome us and be good little doggies. The war was mismanaged from the top from the start in terms of any sort of viable exit strategy.

That is astonishing because Bush and Cheney, as members of the Vietnam generation, had seen a military victory warp into political defeat.

The foregoing thought crossed my mind when I saw Bush strutting on the aircraft carrier, so my perceptions are not entirely hindsight.

While it remains possible that a cataclysm from the Middle East can be avoided, the previous administration has exposed the country to serious and unnecessary risk.