
The Right Wing View of Climate Change: Don't Worry, God's in Charge

boxhead4/07/2011 12:05:46 am PDT

re: #101 tnguitarist

My mother got fired from her job of 34 years today. No warning, nothing. A year away from retirement and one month away from knee surgery. By a woman that’s been with the company less than a year. Gotta love these ‘right to work’ states! How fucking Orwellian is that, btw?

I really can’t see the logic in marginalizing the employes that do the bulk of the work. I can’t see the logic in not protecting the workers rights. It makes USA stronger. All I can see is that those that attack USA workers do not love USA. They do not want USA to be strong. They want to hate others based on where one lives, where one worships or not, who one loves, etc. Wanting USA Citizens Rights over corporations is socialist to them. Have none of them read what the Founders thought about concentration of monies in the hands of few would do to this Country?


and with that, I must adjourn from LGF. Need to burn off this angst upon the other first person shooters playing on the net.

good night all