
For Most Women, GOP Sonograms Will Require Invasive Procedure

Kewalo5/25/2011 11:34:19 am PDT

re: #66 ausador

Naw, this is the last gasp, the backlash is building up everyday. It is hard to get people motivated who cannot believe that their personal rights are threatened, they just yawn and go on.

That is changing now because the wingnuts are trampling on these peoples rights, organized women, with a lot of support from men also, are simply not going to allow this to happen. It is going to have to come from the women though to be an effective political movement.

The ball is now in their court…

I was among the women that marched and generally raised hell back in the 70’s over the abortion issue. For years now women of my generation have been warning the younger women to be careful. That many of us believed the right was going to try and change the laws back. And nobody listened. Our warning was brushed off and younger women were indifferent. Now it’s coming back to bite them in the ass and as far as I’m concerned I’ve already done my share and they should damn well get out there and fight for their rights. I’m not pissed at the right, they’re doing what they said they were going to do. I am pissed at the young women on the left for not being vigilant.

And as you say “The ball is now in their court.”