
Rush Limbaugh Calls Georgetown Law Student a 'Slut' and 'Prostitute'

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization2/29/2012 2:11:33 pm PST

re: #58 Targetpractice

Because I’ve met many “honorable” conservatives myself, and many engage in the same sort of misogyny and bass-ackwards thinking as Rush, they just have the good sense to do so behind closed doors, away from the ears of the womenfolk.

Just as overt racism has been making a comeback among these troglodytes, sexism and misogyny have come back out of the closet to play. There are still honorable conservatives out there, however almost none of them have the kind of media presence of El Rushbo and company.

On another topic, one of my pet peeves is the deliberate naming of the Democratic Party as the “Democrat Party.” As soon as I hear anyone say “Democrat Party” or “Democrat Congressman” or “Democrat” anything, I stop listening to them. So I will tweak you gently, Charles, for being guilty of the same transgression in the first paragraph of this post:

Female law student Sandra Fluke, who was prevented from testifying at Darrell Issa’s anti-birth control hearing recently, spoke to a Democrat-sponsored hearing last week about the importance of reproductive health care for women, and the cost of contraception coverage.

You have done Yeoman’s work here in cataloging the deranged and dangerous descent the conservative movement and Republican Party. But please don’t talk like them. I beg you.
