
And Now, Paul Ryan vs. the Stench

moderatelyradicalliberal9/25/2012 8:44:39 pm PDT

R-Money is a terrible candidate, but he is going to be unfairly blamed for the upcoming GOP losses. Half the reason he sucks is because reciting GOP talking points in public makes him sound crazy, stupid and mean. But it’s the GOP being filled with crazy, stupid and mean people who’s beliefs and ideas reflect their being crazy, stupid and mean that’s the real problem. Being tied to Paul Ryan and his “budget” has hurt R-Money, not the other way around. Signing on to that bullshit caused him to lose all pretense of moving to the center and being a moderate. Which is exactly why the Obama campaign wanted him to pick Paul Ryan for VP.

And speaking of GOP talking points, this video of Tommy Thompson talking like a teabagger wingnut about Medicare and Medicaid will probably cost him a Senate seat in Wisconsin.

“Who better than me, who’s already finished one of the entitlement programs, to come up with programs to do away with Medicaid and Medicare?”