
US Officials Refute Right Wing Conspiracy Theories About Benghazi Attack

HRH Stanley Sea11/03/2012 3:32:37 pm PDT

re: #81 engineer cat


On Dec 21, 2012, Obama will have had a little over a month to stew in his humiliating, crushing and unexpected defeat at the hands of the American people.

He’ll still be Commander in Chief.

He’ll still have the nuclear ‘football’. Just sitting there. Staring at him. Taunting him. Daring him. Double-eaten-dog daring him…

Here’s my Bullet List of Obama’s things to do in the Last Days:

• Pardon all Gitmo “political” prisoners
• Release the Blind Sheik
• Declare all US lands with energy resources under them to be UN World Heritage Sites.
• Release the names, addresses and phone numbers of anyone, anywhere who has ever provided any intel to any American agent or agency.
• Declare all US patents and copyrights null and void (Based on their recent comments, FReepers TheZMan, GraceG; Utmost Certainty; muawiyah; Boogieman; publius911; SandwicheGuy; and especially gunslinger3 think this would be a terrific idea)
• Pardon all illegal aliens
• Allow anyone from any islamist country immediate unrestricted immigration to the US as a ‘refugee”, forbid background checks, grant them 5 years tax free status and a generous government stipend “to get their feet on the ground”.
• Pardon everyone in his administration of all crimes they may have committed in the course of carrying out their mission.
• Create “The Office of the Former President”


They will still take their 10 day Hawaii vacation and within a year, Hussein will be outed or will come out of the closet himself..

Christmas will no longer be a holiday/no longer recognized. First on the agenda.

Just have Romney send him a heads up Election Night after he concedes. “I will terminate any order you issue or any rule established by federal agencies between now and Inauguration Day the second after I’m sworn in.”

These people are flat out crazy. And my neighbors. I really feel the level of mainstream crazy is unprecidented. Bet you the historians will link it to the yellow journalism of our day.