
Saturday Night Short: Efterklang - the Ghost

HoosierHoops4/06/2013 10:28:43 pm PDT

Alaska State Troopers is on.. One of my favorite reality shows these days.
Great exciting show in Alaska like Cops but better.. Heck, By now I’ve seen so much great footage and knowledge about Alaska and it’s law enforcement challenges and culture.
One time years ago..I posted about it here around 2006. I took a police ride.
I would encourage every citizen to take a ride to really get a feel of what policeman face every day. Plus it was really fun! I could never be a LEO but it is the experience of a lifetime. I posted some great stories of that night here on LGF. I should really pull those stories up again.
So call your local police and do a ride around some time.. It will really add depth to your outlook.