
Obama Speaks 3

dragondirt2/09/2009 8:33:35 pm PST

Can we have a little optimism?

As I am sitting here watching Obama try to sell his $800 billion dollar ‘stimulus package’, which is full of pork, I am thinking to myself “How about a little optimism, Mr. President?”

When Ronald Reagan was facing the financial crisis he inherited, the one thing he always carried in his message was one of optimism. Such as, “We can and will get through this” type of rhetoric.

Why are we not hearing this from Mr. Obama? As an average American, it makes me feel as if he has other motives to push this through, helping America not being one of them. Perhaps this is why the poll numbers are showing a drop in support for this ‘spending’ bill.

Of course, we all remember his campaign slogan of hope. Selling this package as a catastrophe certainly does not give me a feeling of hope. In fact, it gives me a feeling of panic, uncertainty and doom and gloom.

In these uncertain times, we need a leader that can reassure us that although times are tough now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Again, I am not hearing this from Obama. He might as well sell this as “Pass this bill now, or be prepared to fall off the cliff.”

Before he took office, I said I wouldn’t bash him until I had something to link it with. Well, now I do. His first few weeks seems to be a testimony of things to come. He has been put to the test, so to speak, and has failed miserably. He is not the kind of leader we need right now or ever.

The honeymoon is over Barack, and although I can’t speak for all Americans, I want a divorce!

Yours Truly,
