
In New Interview, Edward Snowden Doubles Down on "Direct Access" Allegation

klys (maker of Silmarils)7/08/2013 7:05:19 pm PDT

Completely OT, but the Snowden stuff brings out the kooks so I prefer to ignore it:

I plotted out a route for the potential road trip in August, from the Bay Area to CO (wedding to go to) and then we were thinking north to Glacier (but also hitting North Dakota if possible because we’ve never been). Looking at Glacier kind of makes it clear we’d probably want at least a week (if only to visit all the historic lodges, which is a thing we do) and availability at them is a crapshoot at best at this point (and not terribly likely) so …the potential for skipping it exists. It was also like 4300 miles which although doable for a 3 week trip is still a little higher than I would like.

…of course, I’ve done 6300 miles in two weeks, but that was a shitton of driving.

Any Lizards want to weigh in on options? We wanted to do the hot springs in central Idaho last year but it was on fire and so we passed. I’m sort of trying to not drag the husband to Yellowstone again because I’d want a week and he likes at least two years between visits if they’re that length (grumble). We would be up to going south from CO but I am a delicate flower who hates the heat so that needs to be considered. Although I can be persuaded otherwise for good thunderstorms.

The route to CO is looking pretty set (US 50 to US 40) so it’s more what we do after CO that I need suggestions on.

Oh, and I like landscape photography.