
Photo(s) of the Day: Great Moments in Republican Rebranding

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus10/13/2013 5:51:29 pm PDT

This is America, 2013:

Richard Land Calls on Evangelicals to Reclaim Culture From Satan

Dr. Richard Land, the new president of Southern Evangelical Seminary, called on evangelicals on Friday to stand up and reclaim culture from a world “wracked by demonic activity,” and act like winners in Christ against the powers of the devil.


What followed was a video presentation focused on reclaiming “the seven mountains of culture,” which were described as seven points where the church has lost influence, leaving behind a void of darkness.

The culture mountains were identified as government, education, media, arts and entertainment, religion, family, and business, which was described by the narrator as the “mountain that they all depend on, the mountain that fuels all other mountains, where resources are concentrated for the kingdom of God, or cashed in for the powers of darkness.”

Land followed up on the presentation by stating that evangelicals “need to understand that and bring God’s truth back to every area of culture.”

The SES President then talked about the importance of apologetics and creating apologetic websites so that people can go online “and get an answer for why Darwin is wrong, an answer for why the Bible is right, an answer for what you have been taught in high school and college that is just pure wrong.”

Looks like Mullah Mohler is going to be outflanked on his right by a new up and coming star, at a newer indoctrination center.

Land’s beliefs, btw, are much what the tea partying right believes, and this is what drove Cruz to paint Congress into a corner.